Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Republicans and the 9% Congress Run by Democrats

In a post about the Pelosi/Reid Congress approval rating hitting single digits, Instapundit Glenn Reynolds updates with this comment:
So why are the Republicans running scared, and why aren't they going after the "new Democratic Congress" hammer-and-tongs? Beats me. Because they're idiots, I guess.
Uhh, Glenn, the idiots are the people who are too busy criticizing the GOP leadership to notice that they are hammering the "new" Demcoratic leadership. Maybe Glenn and his conservative friends in California have missed that Republican Leader, my Congressman and a aGreat American -- John Boehner -- and his entire leadership team have been smacking the "new" Democratic Congress on a variety of issues important to Congress. I'm talking all of the energy issues, healthcare issues like S-CHIP, taxes...the list goes on and on...and watching the punditocracy sticking their fingers in their ears is getting more than just a little old.

I will say that I think Rush is right (again) when he says that it is rather astonishing that the drive-by media template for a 9% Congress is that the Republicans are still going to lose a whole bunch of seats. Heck, President Bush has significantly better numbers than this... (HT: K-Lo on The Corner. Source: EIB)
This month, just 9% say Congress is doing a good or excellent job. Most voters (52%) say Congress is doing a poor job, which ties the record high in that dubious category." Now, amidst all of this, with a 9% approval rating, an all-time low, the media template is still what? That the Democrats are going to pick up all these seats in the House and they're going to pick up all these seats in the Senate. It's a foregone conclusion. Now, if people are this upset with Congress, and the president's numbers are higher — you know, this is a risky thing to try to analyze. You have to ask how many Americans understand that Congress is now run by Democrats? How many of them think that Congress is just an extension of the White House and are blaming it on Republicans? Well, you don't know. But I think one of the keys here in every call I get, and every comment I get from people talking about this, whether it's here on the program or in my highly focused personal and private life, it's the gasoline price. The gasoline price is the root of everything because that affects the cost of food, the cost of leisure time activity, the cost of entertainment, and it's a gold mine. It is simply a golden opportunity for the Republican Party here to really make some big hay.
The Republicans, if anything, need to do a better job of framing the "new" Democratic Congress...they should plaster Pelosi's and Reid's faces on every ad they run and slap that 9% number on it...