Friday, July 18, 2008

Stupid Poll for OH-01

I caution you to take this with boulders of salt...simple grains will not suffice. This polling company is a fly-by-night, brand spanking new outfit and I trust them about as much as Hillary should trust Bill at the Bunny Ranch.

Read this document on Scribd: OH1 congressional poll press release 071708

We are supposed to believe that nearly 55% of OH-01 voters think that Bush is doing a heckuva job, but that Steve Driehaus has nearly 50% of the vote with nearly 30% still undecided.

I wouldn't purchase the internals on this poll if I ran out of toliet paper and I just ate a bunch of Mexican food...

UPDATE: Note that a credible polling company has MUCH different results... [Politico]
Chabot leads his Democratic opponent, state House Minority Whip Steve Driehaus, 50 to 37 percent, according to the poll. He is viewed favorably by a 63 percent majority of respondents, while only 23 percent said they viewed him unfavorably.

“While it’s likely this race will be competitive as November draws near, there is no question that Steve Chabot has a significant lead in this race and is well-positioned to win,” his pollster Neil Newhouse wrote in the polling memo.

The poll, conducted by Public Opinion Strategies, surveyed 400 likely districtwide voters. It was conducted between June 30 and July 2, and has a 4.9 percent margin of error.
And on the presidential race:
The poll also shows Barack Obama leading John McCain, 46 percent to 39 percent. Democratic strategists have been bullish about their ability to defeat Chabot, in part because of the district's sizable African-American population (making up 27 percent of the district).
I suspect, the truth lies somewhere in the middle...