Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Taxes and the Economy

Rasmussen just released an interesting poll that I think ties in with the Republican/McCain economic message quite well:
Earlier this month, 59% said tax cuts help the economy, but now just 51% hold that view. The number who think tax increases hurt the economy has held steady at 50%.

In another Rasmussen Reports survey late last month, 52% of Americans said the federal government does not need additional tax revenue. Even more (57%) said all tax increases should be approved by the voters. Only 30% opposed the latter.
That last bit is a real good idea. I think McCain ought to lead the charge on this. He should craft an amendment to the Constitution mandating that all tax increases be voted upon by the American people.

Check this out...
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has proposed tax increases for those earning more than $250,000 a year but on Monday pledged that those earning less than that “will not see your taxes go up under an Obama administration.” He defined the middle class as anyone making less than $250,000 annually.
The Obama is amazing! He just made the poor disappear! You read that right folks, if you make less than $250,000 a year, you're in the middle class under an Obama administration. Is Obama really expecting us to believe that he would veto all those tax hikes that Pelosi and Reid have in store? Remember, their plan raises taxes on everybody who makes $32,000 a year...

And then there is this:
Both are close to agreement, however, when asked about their own taxes: 52% of Republicans and 48% of Democrats say they pay more than their fair share. Only about a third of each party’s voters believe that they do not pay their fair share of taxes.
52% of Democrats ought to be writing checks to the IRS for whatever amount that they think is "fair." Isn't it interesting to note that about 50% of the country thinks that they are paying more than their fair share of taxes? Think about that...every other person you see today thinks that they are paying more than their fair share of taxes. Now THAT is a powerful political message...