Tuesday, August 26, 2008

RELEASE: Fred Dailey Challenges Zack Space to Support American Energy

This just in...
Mount Vernon, Ohio –18th Congressional District candidate Fred Dailey challenged Rep. Zack Space (D-Dover) to support efforts to increase production of American energy instead of continuing to pay voters here lip-service. Space, who claims to support drilling for American oil as a way to help reduce gas prices, so far has refused to sign onto seven bills in the U.S. House that would unlock America's resources and help us become energy independent.

Dailey delivered the attached "Pledge to Create American Energy" to Space's campaign office yesterday afternoon.

"Since going on vacation Aug. 1, Zack Space has traveled the 18th Congressional District telling voters one thing while his voting record in Washington says exactly the opposite," Dailey said. "If Zack Space is truly serious about standing up to liberals like Barack Obama and U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who've said drilling is a 'hoax,' he should commit himself to seven bills that will let us drill in America, build more refineries, and promote clean-coal and coal-to-liquid projects."

"If Zack Space were to sign the seven discharge petitions that have been filed to move these bills to a vote in the U.S. House, that would send an unmistakable signal that he stands with the 18th Congressional District and not with Obama and Pelosi."

NOTE: Once 218 lawmakers in the U.S. House sign a discharge petition, the bill must be scheduled for a vote. The bills are:

H.R. 3089, No More Excuses Energy Act of 2007

Reduces the price of gasoline by opening new American oil refineries, investing in clean energy sources such as wind, nuclear, and captured carbon dioxide; and making available more homegrown energy through environmentally sensitive exploration of the Arctic Energy Slope and America's Deep-Sea Energy Reserves. Click here (PDF) for more information.

H.R. 2279, Expand American Refining Capacity on Closed Military Installations

Reduces the price of gasoline by streamlining the refinery application process and by requiring the President to open at least three closed military installations for the purpose of citing new and reliable American refineries. Click here for more information.

H.R. 5656, To Repeal the Ban on Acquiring Alternative Fuels

Reduces the price of gasoline by allowing the federal government to procure advanced alternative fuels derived from diverse sources like oil shale, tar sands and coal-to-liquid technology. Click here for more information.

H.R. 2208, Coal-Liquid Fuel Act

Reduces the price of gasoline by encouraging the use of clean coal-to-liquid technology authorizing the Secretary of Energy to enter into loan agreements with coal-to-liquid projects that produce innovative transportation fuel. Click here for more information.

H.R. 2493, Fuel Mandate Reduction Act of 2007

Reduces the price of gasoline by removing fuel blend requirements and onerous government mandates if they contribute to unaffordable gas prices. Click here for more information.

H.R. 6107, American Energy Independence and Price Reduction Act

Reduces the price of gasoline by opening the Arctic Energy Slope to environmentally sensitive American energy exploration. Development footprint would be limited to 0.01% of the Refuge, and revenue received from the new leases would be invested in a long-term alternative energy trust fund.

H.R. 6108, Deep Ocean Energy Resources Act of 2008

Reduces the price of gasoline by enabling the United States to responsibly explore its own deep ocean to produce American Energy. The bill would grant coastal states the authority to keep exploration 100 miles from their coastlines and it would also allow states to share in the revenues received.