Saturday, August 30, 2008

We're Howlin' For Palin!

Great posts from everybody already in regards to the brilliant move made by the old white haired wrinkly dude! On his 72nd birthday and the Palin's 20th anniversary, our next president made a decision that will unify and energize not only the Republicans, but a wide assortment of American voters.

Yes, I know, there are perceived weaknesses, but the Republican ticket has no more than Barry and Joe's. After all, no one will accuse Sarah Palin of being a terroist unless you count being a mean mom one! This lady has style, character and panache and the ladies of the local party I have spoken with, including many woman leaders, are just excited. I concur.

The attempt to portray kumbaya and unity was thrown under the bus by this brilliant stroke of political genius. Now, we have something to work with!