Saturday, September 06, 2008

Oprah Getting Heck Over Palin On Her Own Website...

From a story over at can check the comments out yourself and leave one if so inclined here....

How can any of you people who posted here today be shocked and saddened by oprah's reaction to sarah palin. The writing was on the wall when she supported obama over hillary clinton. hillary who went to china and spoke on womens rights, who has campaigned tirelessly for women and children. she picked an african american over a women. Oprah seems to forget that women are her base, we have given her everything she has. Where would oprah be without the women of this country and the world, who would buy her magazines, watch her shows, her tv specials. You may not agree with sarah palin's politics (i do not) but the woman has a remarkable story and it deserves air time. Oprah your statement released this morning is pathetic, you are the Oprah you have said many times. You campaigned for Obama, you cried your eyelashes off at his nomination speech and you did the happy dance when he sealed the primary's after defeating hillary clinton. For years you have had women on your show speaking about how the have been affected by sexism, abuse, and other realated issues, but you have let your race and your hope for an african american president override your judgement. I'm disappointed in you and in your show. This women (sarah palin) has endured more in the last week then any women has publicly had to endure. The media questioned is she a fit mother, can she be VP and a mother at the same time, maybe she should be home with her children. let me be clear...I do not support sarah palins politics but the treatment of her over the last week has spurred an anger in me that I didn't even know existed. Oprah you ought to be ashamed and embarrassed.


I am no longer going to watch the Oprah show or read her magazines or have anything to do with Oprah.

Oprah, you have completely turned your back on your (largely female) audience if you do not have the female vice presidential candidate on your show before the election.


I've watched your show religiously and loved how you were a champion/advocate for women.

You have disappointed this viewer/fan. You chose your race over your gender. You made women
second class citizens again.

Are you afraid that Sarah Palin's appearance on your show will influence viewers away from Obama?

I won't vote Republican, just think you of all people would be fair. And I agree, you campaigning for Obama IS using your show, your celebrity status as a platform for him.


I always thought you represented ALL women, not just liberal democrats. You have clearly shown the rest of the women in this country that you don't care about us, we do not matter. Only the elitist and liberals count now. It is we the middle americans, and southern women that had afoorded you the billions you now have by our support of you. With your Sarah Palin decision we will no longer support you. When Governor Palin becomes the VP in November, she will be too busy helping to make changes in Washington on your show, oh yeah she will also be to busy raising her family.


I am so disappointed in Oprah I could just cry. Where's my hero who has been my defender? Where's the person I've looked up to for so many years?

This isn't right, Oprah. You can't let yourself be made to look like a hypocrite. No, not you.

The real test will be in the ratings...If Oprah didn't want her show to be "political," she should not have shilled for Obama on it nor had him on.....