Saturday, October 18, 2008

ACORN Update: NY Post Calls ACORN What it Is

The NY Post comes out swinging on ACORN in regards to the Feds' investigation of ACORN:

After weeks of reports of wide spread fraud, the FBI has opened an investigation into the far-left "community organizer" group's nationwide voter-registration campaign.

Talk about bolting the barn after the horses are out. It's extremely unlikely that anything significant will come of it before Election Day.

Still, the fact that the Justice Department has gotten involved signifies an appreciation that what ACORN has tried to portray as the inevitably haphazard efforts of local organizers is more likely a nationwide, coordinated voter-registration scam.

Frankly, it seems to be far too widespread to be anything but that.

Yes, the whole meme of: "well, these are just a few bad apples, we registered this many correctly..." How many different elections, how many different states does it take to realize that this is not just a few bad apples but a systemic characteristic of ACORN?

Read the whole thing....