Friday, October 17, 2008

Austria Tops $1 million in 7th Congressional District Fundraising

Springfield, Ohio- State Senator Steve Austria (R-Beavercreek) posted strong fundraising totals for the third quarter yesterday, topping more than $1 million raised since the campaign began and besting his opponent in another quarter's fundraising.

"This report shows strong support for my election from all areas of the district. I am proud to have homemakers, farmers, doctors, nurses, small business owners, teachers, and constituents from all walks of life contributing to my campaign. Voters in the district know that I will best represent their views and values in Congress and I am glad to have their continued strong support," said Senator Austria.

Sen. Austria has raised more than $1,059,000 since the start of his campaign, far outraising his opponent. In the 3rd quarter report to the Federal Elections Commission (FEC), Senator Austria maintained nearly $280,000 after purchasing $200,000 in television advertising. His opponent filed with $215,000 on hand not reflecting approximately $150,000 in recent television advertising. In addition, Neuhardt gave her campaign more than $10,000 in contributions.

Since the start of his campaign, Steve Austria has raised the majority of his contributions from individuals, most of which are within the 7th Congressional District. By comparison, Neuhardt, a liberal trial attorney from Yellow Springs, has raised nearly $125,000 from attorneys at her own law firm, Thompson Hine, and more than $175,000 from lawyers across the country.

Neuhardt's most recent filing show that liberal interest groups from outside of Ohio are attempting to buy influence in this Congressional race:

- 51% of contributions from outside of Ohio

- 90% of contributions from outside of the 7th Congressional District

- More than twice as many contributions California and New York than in the 7th District

- Donations from ultra-liberal special interests such as Planned Parenthood, Emily's List, NARAL, NOW, in addition to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Barney Frank.

Neuhardt also took $7,000 from embattled Rep. Charles Rangel and his PAC. Rangel is being investigated by the House Ethics Committee on the allegations of failure to pay back taxes and misusing official Congressional resources for the purposes of fundraising.

"Steve Austria continues to have strong support from the 7th District because of his record of service to his constituents. Voters are seeing that the Neuhardt campaign is one of smoke and mirrors, not a plan for the future," said a spokesman for the National Republican Campaign Committee (NRCC).

Senator Steve Austria is currently the Majority Whip of the Ohio Senate and is seeking election to the U.S. House of Representatives. The 7th Congressional District seat is currently held by Congressman Dave Hobson who won his last election with 61% of the vote and upon announcing his retirement, strongly endorsed Steve Austria's election. Senator Austria currently represents nearly half of the 7th Congressional District in the Ohio Senate where he earned 65% of the vote in 2004. The 7th District has been represented by a Republican Congressman since 1939 and all 8 counties are currently represented by Republican state Legislators who have endorsed Senator Austria's candidacy.