Thursday, October 02, 2008

Energy Freedom Day

I have a few items from yesterday's Energy Freedom Day "celebration" of the expiring of the off-shore oil exploration ban...

Rep. Bob Latta:
“By letting the offshore drilling moratorium expire today, Democrat Congressional Leadership is finally acknowledging the will of the American public. For months, House Republicans and the American public have called for a comprehensive energy plan that includes offshore drilling, opening ANWR, nuclear, clean coal, hydro, and alternative energy. It is essential that we have energy to meet our citizens and business needs.

With the ban expiring today, Congress must act now to pass an “all of the above” energy plan that is long overdue. We are in a position to make the United States energy independent and the time to act is now.”
Republican Leader, my Congressman and a Great American -- John Boehner:
“Today is a seminal moment in the fight for more American energy production, and the fight House Republicans waged and won is a big victory for Americans struggling with record gasoline prices. Lifting the outdated bans on offshore drilling and oil shale exploration is an important step toward the comprehensive energy strategy America needs to bring down prices at the pump. And for that reason, I’m very troubled by House Democratic leaders’ recent assertion that restoring the bans ‘will be a top priority for discussion next year.’

“For months on end, the American people demanded that Congress get serious about increasing energy production to lower gas prices, and for months, the Democrats in charge refused to listen. House Republicans did, and when Democrats went home for a five-week break over the summer, we joined American citizens on the floor of the House in an unprecedented revolt against the Democratic Majority’s refusal to act. That protest – along with the increasing calls nationwide for real energy reform – proved to be an unstoppable force, and today’s expiration of the bans is tangible proof of the victory shared by Republicans and the American people.

“This victory for the American people must not be short-lived. Rather, it should be a first step toward an ‘all of the above’ plan to reduce fuel costs. That plan calls for increased energy production nationwide, including on Alaska’s remote North Slope, more conservation and efficiency, and better use of renewable and alternative fuels, but the Democrats who run Congress have refused to give it a vote. Instead, they’ve decided to leave town for the rest of October, and signaled that one of their priorities for the next Congress will be restoring the bans that expired last night.”