Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Investigating Joe and Sarah: Anyone Remember the film The Lives of Others?

You might want to check it out.
The horrifying, sometimes unintentionally funny system of observation in the former East Germany. In the early 1980s, the successful dramatist Georg Dreyman and his longtime companion Christa-Maria Sieland, a popular actress, are big intellectual stars in the socialist state, although they secretly don't always think loyal to the party line. One day, the Minister of Culture becomes interested in Christa, so the secret service agent Wiesler is instructed to observe and sound out the couple

This is kind of like the campaigns being conducted against Joe the Plumber and Sarah Palin. This type of nonsense is what people in the Soviet Union used to talk in their bathrooms when they feared their houses were bugged! But that is the state of our society today. Speak out against Obama and they will "do a special" on you.

Michelle Malkin discusses trying to dissect Joe the Plumber. Jonah Goldberg breaks it down into an adoring media vs. Joe. Fox News discusses the onslaught as well.

Funny, I thought dissent was supposed to be encouraged. I thought we could disagree without fear of reprisal or smears. I guess that is only if you are a leftist....