Friday, October 17, 2008

Obama Supporters Steal the Vote of the Mentally Challenged, Register Voters in Jails....

Yes, just like his "most ethical Congress" (William Jefferson, Mahoney, Frank, Countrywide Dodd, et. al.) Obama and his supporters are showing their attempts at fraud more and more. First, we have a case where an Obama supporter stole the vote of a mentally challenged person:
There are allegations of voter fraud, as a Dougherty County family claims the vote of a mentally challenged relative was stolen.

They say the adult day rehab program where Jack Justice attends took him to vote, without the family's permission. What's worse is Justice says the person helping him wouldn't cast the ballot for his choice for President.

Jack Justice has been voting since he turned 18. Typically his family takes him to their neighborhood precinct. This time Primus Industries, his adult day rehab program, took him to vote. His family was shocked, but what shocked them more was that Jack claims that his aide commandeered his vote.

"They told me to vote for Obama, I said no I wanted to vote for McCain," said Jack Justice, a voter.

Jack Justice says the person helping him, selected Obama's name. His sister says the family is often asked to sign a permission slips for trips, but for this they were never notified.

This rehab program as well as this person who stole the vote should be investigated and punished. This type of taking advantage of people is disgusting. I thought Barry was standing up for the downtrodden, not stealing their voice? If they will do this to the mentally challenged, what other heinous acts will they do?

But wait, there is more Obama Outrageous Disgusting Registration Shenanigans:
An internal email from the Michigan Department of Corrections in August describes a request from the campaign to enter jails to register those inmates set to be released before Election Day.

An Obama spokesman in Michigan acknowledged that a new organizer made the request, but supervisors nixed the idea as soon as they found out about it. The campaign denied all association with a second request to the Department of Corrections. The emails say that a Theresa Collins, identified as the national coordinator of “Inmates to Support Barack Obama,” asked the prison to post information about how prisoners could make campaign contributions to Obama. That group doesn’t appear to have any Web site.

The email chain shows that Richard Stapleton, administrator of the department’s Office of Legal Affairs, told a colleague to deny the campaign’s request. The email, which Washington Wire received from Obama opponent, was verified by a Corrections Department spokesman.

“We’ve got to make sure they’re out first,” said John Cordell, the spokesman. “We could say you’re out on Oct. 31, but if they do something between now and Oct. 31 that would make us think they’re a danger to society, then we’ll rescind their parole.”

Inmates for Obama? Should tell you who his policies and behaviors really resonate with....