Friday, October 31, 2008

Waiting To Vote, Well Worth It

In these days of political punditry run amok, I exercised my constitutional right to vote. I stood in line for about one and a half hours, time spent contemplating my role as a citizen and enjoying the freedom we sometimes take for granted. Not one drop of my blood has ever been spent defending this country and I highly respect men and women who sacrifice so much to protect us.

One good thing, I had no doubt as to who I was going to cast my vote for. None. There seemed to be an uneasy air about the situation, people who seemed anxious and tense. There was an immense amount of activity around the Butler County Board of Elections. I even ran into our good friend and State Senator Gary Cates who was pressing the flesh and meeting the people. He truly is in touch with the people and he got my vote. There were also some other candidates out there, hoping and dreaming.

It is never easy to run for anything. One wins, one loses, pretty cut and dried. The end of the campaign season is near and this season has been nothing short of one big blur of activity. I wish I could recount all the activity, suffice it to say that I have been a lot of places the past month. In fact, tomorrow morning there are two events I would like to attend and attesting to my girth they are pancake breakfasts! The VFW in Middletown and the Lindenwald Kiwanis at the Fairfield Middle School. Good cause, low money and good fellowship. It's a good opportunity to work with our candidates and for them to meet the people. If you can't tell, I'm pretty big on the grassroots thing.

What will be the final outcome here in Butler County? I think you will find that we will have a fantastic turnout and the people will have their say. Is there any other way? Being a lifetime Republican, I was proud of the slate that we presented to the public and I know that they merit your vote and deepest confidence. If you haven't voted yet, don't forget! Make your voice heard where it counts the most, at the ballot box.