Friday, October 17, 2008

Where is the Real Blind Hatred? Let's Ask This 7th Grader...

This poor girl is feeling the real blind, irrational hate in this campaign...FROM THE LEFT. This poor girl had the audacity to wear a McCain/Palin shirt to school and she was called...a racist....
From MyFoxOrlando:
She's only 12 years old but Ashleigh Jones is feeling the heat of this election year.

That’s because the seventh grader at New Smyrna Beach Middle School was called a racist by classmates for wearing a pro-Sarah Palin t-shirt.

Jones is volunteering at the Republican Headquarters in New Smyrna Beach. The Palin t-shirt was a gift from her fellow volunteers.

The link has video, I believe, as well. This is scary. Our children are being brainwashed by the MSM, and I guess their parents are willing accomplices, into this type of faulty thinking. This is why people on the right are fired up and angry. This type of misrepresentation does not transcend race nor bring us together. It should show most people what liberalism is all about: division and suppression.