Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Butler County Update

Three items for you today:

  • I meant to cover this story over the weekend, so a big SOB Alliance shout out to Return of the Conservatives for picking up my slack...

    State Rep. Courtney Combs has a plan to decrease Ohio property taxes, but it upsets government school indoctrinators because they would get less dough from the taxpayer. Read more about that in the Dayton Daily News.

  • State Senator Gary Cates is fighting to restore freedom to Ohioans and has a proposal that would permit some public smoking again. I'm not a smoker, but I believe that Americans have a right to kill themselves with their choices if they so desire...

  • Lastly: I've got absolutely nothing for this...but I share it in order to help the kids make a love connection. It's all about that!