I'd like to direct attention to fellow SOBer and former Wide Awakes Radio colleague Justin Higgins' first column for Pajamas Media on the GOP and young voters.
I understand what he's trying to do in the piece, but I really think it is a waste of time and effort. Here's why...
Supposedly, there was this huge turnout of young voters at the polls for Obama. The problem is that nobody has been able to prove that through the demographics. Another problem there is that the statement discounts the increase in African-American voters. This is like the social conservatives claiming sole credit for Bush's win in 2004...it just didn't happen that way.
What we're really talking about in 2008 is the failure of the traditional Republican coalition coupled with the success of the modern Democratic coalition. The GOP failed to unite and turn out as many voters in the three legs of our coalition: social conservatives were not impressed by McCain; national security conservatives weren't happy with McCain's view on illegal immigration and amnesty; and the fiscal conservatives were just ticked off by the Republican brand that had left them behind a long time ago. On the other side: freeloaders and anarchists were thrilled with Obama's promises of a chicken in every pot; minorities and youth came out for their guy; and the elites suffering from white guilt got their wish too.
The answer is NOT making the GOP sexy again...as if it ever were... The answer is to get serious about the issues that matter to the American people. Right now, that means putting forth real solutions to the economic problems that the nation faces and holding Democrats responsible for their choices.
The conservative message is timeless and historic. We don't need to tinker with platform, we need to resolve our internal differences and remember that the only way to advance our agenda is to win elections. This party needs to get better at telling its story and communicating that message.