Driving your car may take on a new and larger meaning — for your wallet.
To fix its crumbling roads and bridges and rescue the state’s financially challenged public transit system, a draft report made public yesterday says the state should consider charging tolls at the state line on every interstate highway and creating a new tax for each mile a vehicle is driven.
The report calls for tolls on a new Sakonnet River Bridge, increasing the state gas tax and a long list of other things related to using the roads. One proposed tax would apply to anything made from petroleum, from paint to detergent to plastics.
You know, if you didn't spend so much on social programs and other needless things, you would be able to afford new roads. Oh, a gas tax.....let me tell you how well that works in Ohio. A Republocrat governor with the spine of a mollusk tried that, and our roads are just as crappy; businesses are leaving in a hurry, and the transportation sector and shipping businesses are leaving town.
More hope/change, I guess.....