Friday, December 05, 2008

Do You Want Qualified or Quota Fillers? New York Supreme Court

It seems the ethically and physically blind NY Governor David Paterson is upset that the panel required by law to give him names of qualified candidates for the Supreme Court did their job. From an article:
Gov. David Paterson, upset with the choices a judicial screening panel gave him to nominate a new chief judge of the state’s highest court, today asked Attorney General Andrew Cuomo to help determine if there are any legal options to add more names for him to consider. ‘We’re outraged by what we see,’ Paterson said this afternoon of the list of names that includes no women.”

OK....let's see....should we have people who are qualified or look a certain way? Me, if I want someone deciding on a key case, I want someone because they have the knowledge, not because they have a va-jay-jay or because of the color of their skin.