What have I learned?
#dontgo started with the House GOP protest over the failure of Congress to address high gas prices before going on a break. It was a pretty big deal back in the day, but there isn't a whole lot still going on at Twitter in this tag as it seems that those interested in energy issues moved to the stand-alone website...when they made the jump, the pretty much jettisoned energy issues as the focus. Too bad really, because I thought that was an issue that really needed continued conservative attention.
#rebuild started -- as I recall -- after the election and was an effort focused on rebuilding the party focusing on the technology gap. Like, #dontgo, #rebuild didn't stick with Twitter for the long term and we have another stand alone website trying to take over the GOP one email and post at a time...
#TCOT stands for "Top Conservatives on Twitter" and started out as a listing of conservatives on Twitter, but there were no real controls placed on the list and so moderates and libertarians found their way in too. TCOT's leader got too big for his britches and has delusions of grandeur and also thinks that the GOP will bow to his whims. We have yet another stand alone website and a Drudge clone as well...why these two sites aren't consolidated in to the same domain is anybody's guess...
If Twitter is the answer, we're asking the wrong question...
Don't get me wrong, it is a good tool for connecting with people and getting a message out. But that is all it is...