Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mike Fox Update

I'm a little late getting to this story, but I just started checking back in with intrepid reporter Josh (Welcome back! I hope the family is well.) again after a long absence. Actually, I saw Josh was back in action while I was working on the Cincinnati Posts project and this story caught my immediate attention.

Apparently, Mike Fox -- former county commissioner, current Director of Children's Services and target of an FBI investigation -- is having some trouble paying on his home. That is truly unfortunate, but not entirely unexpected considering that Mr. Fox has a reputation for having lived well above and beyond his means.

I'm not sure if Josh got the quote from Mr. Fox himself or not but it is a classic doozy of a one-liner from a totally classless individual. No, I'll not reprint it here, but if you still think Mr. Fox is anything but a villain then you should feel free to see with whom he chooses to metaphor with...

Exit Question: Will Sheriff Jones order his deputies to ignore the foreclosure order?