Monday, February 23, 2009

Comrade President Obama's Mortgage Bailout

I've been thinking about Comrade President Obama's mortgage handout/bailout lately, and if you were listening to the TIB All-Stars Show on Sunday, you know where I am going with this...

I think there just might be a way for Republicans to benefit from this experiment in socialism after all...

You see, the Butler County Republican Party spent nearly a million dollars on the Todd Mahal... And I am not alone in thinking that maybe the Butler County Republican Party should have been a little bit more fiscally responsible than to spend a million dollars we didn't have for a building we rarely use.

Does that not sound like the perfect case for Comrade President Obama's Mortgage Bailout?

I'm really liking this idea...we're going to have to give this some more thought. Maybe somebody could add this to the agenda for tomorrow night's meeting.