Thomas Suddes writes an interesting piece on women in the Ohio legislature for the Plain Dealer today.
He is right on the point that the "problem" is caused by term limits, but that doesn't just effect the women. But I think it is only a partial explanation. I am eager to hear what reaction some of my female GOP friends might have to this, but I suspect that the treatment of Sarah Palin might scare some of them off from public service at higher levels. I think the Ohio media has treated Mary Taylor fairly, but what would happen if she would run for governor? Would she get The Treatment? I suspect that she would.
I'd be curious to know what the numbers look like at the local level of government. Here in Butler County, we have several successful female office holders. I suspect that there are more females in leadership roles at the county level amongst Ohio's 88 county parties as well.
My point, and let's see if you agree, is that I believe Republican women are engaged to the level that they wish to given the environment of hostility shown by the media.
EXIT QUESTION: Isn't Suddes applying a rather liberal view of equality here? So long as women have the same opportunity to run for office and the same access to "play the game" I don't really have a problem with the choices that women make as to their level of involvement in politics. If there is a problem with opportunity and / or access, then we have something to talk about.
UPDATE: I have asked that a very special friend of mine come to WMD and offer her thoughts on this subject and I look forward to seeing what she has to say but in the mean time, one of my Facebook friends says that you can find GOP women here...and she is also right!