Friday, March 20, 2009

Another Reason for the Left to Hate Wal-Mart...

They know how to do economic stimulus right....and they don't need the government to bail them out! Here is the story:
Walmart Stores Inc is awarding approximately $2 billion to its U.S. hourly employees through financial incentives, including handing out $933.6 million in bonuses on Thursday, after the world's largest retailer gained market share amid a recession.

In a memo to Walmart employees obtained by Reuters, Walmart CEO Mike Duke said the retailer is awarding roughly $2 billion to U.S. hourly employees, which includes $933.6 million in bonuses, $788.8 million in profit sharing and 401(k) contributions, millions of dollars in merchandise discounts, and contributions to its employee stock purchase plan.

Walmart is "awarding $933.6 million in bonuses, $788.8 million in profit sharing and 401(k) contributions, millions of dollars in merchandise discounts, and contributions to its employee stock purchase plan.

"While economic challenges forced others to step back, we moved forward," said the CEO Mike Duke stated in the memo. "Duke said Walmart now needs to 'accelerate and broaden all of our efforts.' … A year ago, Walmart said it awarded almost $1.2 billion in financial incentives to its U.S. hourly employees, including more than $636.4 million in bonuses." So if you add that up, $3.2 billion in bonuses the last two years from Walmart.

Boy, the libs are going to be p.o.ed. Capitalism without union domination and subversion doing well, AND EXPANDING! YIP YIP YAHOO! Thank goodness for Wal-Mart.

Hey, do you think the Wal-Mart CEO read the proposal before he signed off on it? I bet he looked it over far more than our idiotarian inept, incompetent, petulant punk of a chief executive looked over the stimulus bill. Where the hell was we will look line by line, etc.? Nice to know they know how to run things at Wal-Mart. There may be hope for humanity after all....