Friday, March 27, 2009

Crushing Dissent: Barney Frank Refuses to Let Truth About AIG Hush Money To Come to Light

Slobbering Simpering Socialist Barney Fhwank is at it again....He decided to use House rules to close questioning regarding the AIG bailout money and bonuses. Here is the transcript where Frank shuts down questioning to save TurboTax Cheat Geithner:
BACHUS: Was there any discussion over a haircut or 95%, taking 95% or 90% as full payment?

GEITHNER: We explored at that time every possible means to reduce the drain on their resources, including what you referred to.

FRANK: (bangs gavel)

GEITHNER: But again, because we have no legal mechanism in place for dealing with this like we deal with the bank, we did not have the ability to selectively impose losses on their counterparts without --

FRANK: (bangs gavel)

BACHUS: You're a 80% owner.

FRANK: (banging gavel) N-no, I'm sorry! The gentleman has now exceeded the five minutes. As I said before the last person speaking during the five minutes will, uhh, complete a sentence and we will move on. Mr. Geithner, uhh, you want to complete the sentence?

GEITHNER: I forgot where I was in my sentence, but (nervous chuckle)

FRANK: Well, that's all right. Then we will now go to Mr. Kanjorski. There are too many members here for those of us in the top row to abuse the five-minute privilege.

What Bachus was getting to which Frank doesn't want people to know is this: Bachus was about to nail Geithner on the use of the AIG bailout as a laundry for Goldman Sachs, et cetera.

Crushing true discussion and dissent--Nancy's ninnies in the House, with Slobbering Socialist Criminal Simp Bawrney Fwrank at the lead...disgusting.