Friday, March 20, 2009

Someone Call A Fat Faux Documentarian Actual Propagandist's Office....

Imagine a time when a President is more concerned with trivialities than in solving the problems that confront a country. Imagine a time when the country is on the brink and the President is cracking jokes about the handicapped or is too busy thinking about UNC basketball to make sure your money isn't going into multi-million dollar bonuses? Am I talking about the evil Bush regime, out playing golf after 9/11? Am I talking about Bush daring to throw out a first pitch when our nation is at war? Nope. I am talking about Fahrenheit 3/09, where the incompetent boob who sits in the big chair in the Oval Office is more concerned about his March Madness picks and dissecting who will win than in making sure your money is being spent wisely. I am talking about a petulant punk of a President who gets his yuks from comparing his poor bowling game to disabled athletes struggling for the best of their abilities in real competition.
Look at these examples:

Disgusting. I know special olympians who bowl far over a 129 Mr. Incompetence. Please don't disparage them. Even those who don't know better than to sign something without reading it, as you have been doing to stimulus bills and budgets, you feeblehearted buffoon! But wait, rather than reading legislation or making sure Geithner is on top of things, Obama had REALLY IMPORTANT THINGS to discuss...on ESPN...

Gee, isn't it great Obama knows his basketball but can't find any intellgent comments on the economy without his teleprompter! Isn't it outstanding that Obama even bows to cronyism (duke people in his coterie)in making decisions? Shouldn't this great intellectual acumen be turned to actually reading bills and making sure your money is being spent wisely?

Someone make this movie....tell the world what a mistake we have made. I saw a bumper sticker today that said something like "trillion dollar war: who can afford healthcare" in reference to Bush's spending. However, in just 3 months, Obama has set up more spending than W did in 8 years! Wake up people!

Feel free to offer movie posters for this American tragedy and we will post them. Fahrenheit 3/09: Incompetence in Chief, or add your own subtitle.

It is just disgusting that this guy thinks showing up on ESPN and Leno is going to blind people, and it is disheartening that so many people are buying it. This guy is a feeb. He is a crock of garbage. He does nothing but namedrop and engage in useless rhetoric, and doesn't even read what he signs, then acts outraged because the letter of the bill he signed was carried out (see bonuses, AIG). Obama is nothing more than a master of bait and switch, shuck and jive.

If W were doing this, the left would be outraged, saying why isn't he focused on the problems before our country? Again, the sad double standards. W stopped vacations and playing golf when America was in crisis. Obama goes out and gets laughs at the expense of the handicapped. How typically liberal.