Friday, April 03, 2009

Arbitrary Wage Controls--Cantor Pulls an Obama, Schmidt Wakes Up Votes No...

A news item I missed the other day but need to comment on....From Malkin:
10 Republicans joined the Grabby Hands Democrats in passing the new “Pay for Performance Act” — to curb “excessive” employee pay at financial firms that receive government bailout funds, “a measure that could supplant [the] earlier effort to heavily tax executive bonuses.” The bill passed 247-171.

Here are the 10 House Republicans who think it is government’s job to determine what “excessive” pay is in every workplace except their own (full roll call vote here):

Brown-Waite, Ginny
Diaz-Balart, L.
Diaz-Balart, M.

At least this bonus-taxing bunch of appalling GOP turncoats is consistent in supporting radical government meddling.

Oh, and look who voted “present:”


Some of us in the 2nd district may be saying, wooo, Jean woke up, however, she still gets bad marks for falling prey to the mob mentality regarding AIG anyway. The people who should be suffering should be Chris Dodd, who wrote the bonus measure into the bill, and Geithner, who pushed for it. But instead, let's pander to the lowest common denominator of hate and class warfare....Not a good move, Jean and the other 84 congresspeople who went along with the Democrats...

But back to Cantor. The Cantor in question is House Minority Whip Eric Cantor, the guy who is supposed to be Boehner's bulldog to Boehner's suave negotiating and manuevering. A bulldog does not roll over and play present. This is not leadership, this is CYA having it both ways. If this is what we can expect from a rising star in the GOP, then we may very well be doomed. I would give a lot if we had a GOP leader who had a pair and called a spade a spade. Sadly, we are only left with "Present." Shameful.

We are talking about arbitrarily made decisions by government bureaucrats who have no clue about business, who should be making what, and we are opening the door to a pandora's box of nationalization schemes and socialist/fascist policies. But, its OK, because Eric Cantor will lead us by voting......PRESENT? WTF?