Friday, July 10, 2009

Your Chance to Stop the Censorship Doctrine

From the Free Speech Alliance:

Ladies and Gentlemen,

There’s a chance to get the newly expanded Broadcaster Freedom Act (BFA) tacked on as an amendment to the Financial Services appropriation on Tuesday. The BFA is currently being redrafted to prevent the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) from not only reimposing the Censorship Doctrine - also mis-known as the “Fairness Doctrine - but also to address the new censorship threats – including “localism” and “media diversity.”

To get it a full, fair up or down vote, we need to act over the weekend and all day Monday.

We need to get as many people as possible to call their Representatives and have them tell Speaker Nancy Pelosi to add the BFA as an amendment.

They can look up their individual Representatives here:

I know its short notice, but this afternoon is when the Speaker announced the Monday amendment deadline – all in keeping with her promise of bi-partisanship and openness. ;-)