Thursday, August 06, 2009

Healthcare Town Hall Fun: So, um...Who Were the Ones With Typed Agendas and Playbooks again?

Who are the thugs and the people being coached again, Mr. Durbin? Ms. Douglass? Because according to this document, it sure seems like it is the Lefty groups that are engaging in the mob/community organizing behavior you all deem so reprehensible and fishy. Check out some of this from a site that got info from HCAN. Go look at it and come back here....

Seen it? OK, good.

So, what do we see? We see plans to distort the seating ratios. We see plans to tilt the coverage by the media through seating arrangements, walls around the Member of Congress, as well as cozying up to the media and "shaping the narrative." Whatever happened to letting them report THE FACTS? We see limiting access to the event as a tactic. Gosh, we even see prepared remarks to make to shift the focus away from questions asked by people opposed to health care. Prepackaged remarks? Gosh, that sounds like coaching and coaxing to me. Sounds rather thuggish and staged to me, kind of like rallies in Munich in the 1930s. But what do I know? I am just a college educated Social Studies major with emphasis in 20th century history and political science. Maybe it is the evil Republican mind control machine, but I see more falsehoods in the HCAN nonsense than from Joe Voter at a town hall. Guess I must be headed to the re-education camp....