Wednesday, September 30, 2009

RELEASE: House GOP Leaders Offer Alternatives to Tax Increases

Columbus – House Republican Leader William G. Batchelder released the following statement in response to this morning’s announcement from the governor who has proposed rolling back income tax increases for the next two years, costing tax payers nearly $850 million.

“Recently there has been much discussion in regard to tax increases as a means to fill the shortfall. House Republicans have agreed with Governor Strickland’s past statements that tax increases will hurt the economy and we encourage the Governor to stand by his decision this budget season to continue with the tax reforms of the 126th General Assembly. This is not a revenue problem; it’s a spending problem, and tax hikes are not the solution. Today, Ohioans face increases because of a more expensive, out of spending control and less efficient government.

Republicans offered up to eight amendments and two bills to ensure stability within the state budget. The proposals included $3 billion worth of savings by streamlining state government operations, and improving the Medicaid system. All of these amendments were tabled on the floor when Republicans offered them.

Instead of offering sound solutions to an economic crisis, the governor chose to increase fees by more than $1.1 billion, essentially the same as taxing the people of Ohio. Spending is out of control on all fronts; even now the state controlling board has spent $219 million on top of the budget passed by the legislature. While families are struggling to make ends meet, a tax hike imposed by the governor would just add a bigger bill to the pile and create less efficient government.”

Batchelder was joined by representatives Lou Blessing (R-Cincinnati), John Adams (R-Sydney), Cheryl Grossman (R-Grove City), and Ron Amstutz (R-Wooster).