Friday, April 09, 2010

COAST Endorses Morgan for Auditor

Huber Heights, Ohio - COAST, an anti-tax grassroots organization in Cincinnati, today endorsed Seth Morgan, CPA for Auditor of State.

COAST's announcement stated "Like the outgoing State Auditor, Mary Taylor, Seth Morgan is a Certified Public Accountant, the only one in the race so qualified. He also owns and operates a small business in the Dayton area."

"The COAST endorsement is an acknowledgement that Seth Morgan is the people's candidate and more qualified to Ohio's next Auditor of State than anyone from either party," said Rob Scott, Communications Director for Friends of Seth Morgan. "COAST is a grassroots powerhouse in Southwest Ohio. This organization being behind Seth is huge."

COAST exists to limit the rate of taxes and spending at the federal, state, and local level to within the rate of inflation and to stop the abuse of power by government officials.

COAST advances this cause by consistent and principled adherence to limited government and lower taxes in fighting legislation and ballot initiatives that increase taxes and spending beyond the rate of inflation, and by supporting candidates for public office who advance these principles.