Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend, 2010

All Gave Some, Some Gave All.....

Why They and We Love Her, as spoken by the Duke, John Wayne

Taps, as Spoken by the Duke....

Our Fallen didn't let that Damn Little Line Divide Us...Let's hope we do the same...

The Duke is Talking about the Alamo, but it holds true for all our Fallen:

Some Have called this the Best Memorial Day Speech Ever, but you judge:

Words cannot express our gratitude to the generations of those who gave all in battle for the cause of God and Country, of Truth, Justice, Liberty, and the American Way.

I know people say thank a veteran on this day, and that is good, as we should thank every vet every day we have the light of freedom's beacon. But, on this weekend, please remember the fallen. Go to the cemetery, clean up some of the plots, place some flags, and remember.

I would encourage everyone to get to know their history of the fallen in their families, even those who survived battle and now have gone home and are with their buddies lost. The stories of these brave men and women are amazing, and are the lifeblood of freedom and the connection to the freedom founded two centuries ago.

God bless the Fallen, God bless the Families, God bless America....

At Ease...Day is done....