At a meeting [last night] of the newly elected Hamilton County Republican Central Committee, Chairman Alex M. Triantafilou was re-elected with a strong majority of support from every facet of the Republican Party. Chairman Triantafilou has served as party chairman for two years.
Also elected were Vice-Chair Amy Searcy, Secretary Rebecca Prem Groppe, and Treasurer Jill Springman.
Statement of Chairman Triantafilou
"I am honored to be re-elected to this important leadership position in the party that I have devoted my career to serving. I wish to thank every precinct executive and party activist for their strong support tonight. I believe strongly in the principles of my party and I am encouraged by the show of unity I saw this evening. Tomorrow, we must go to work as a united party to win elections from the statehouse to the courthouse.
"It is an important period in the history of our country, our state, and our county. The policies of the liberal Democrats are bankrupting the country and endangering the future for our children and grandchildren. The politics-as-usual approach of the parties must end and we need to restore fiscal sanity and personal responsibility to government. The Republican Party is poised to stage a major national comeback and I am pleased to be a small part of that effort."
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
HamCoGOP Re-Elects Chairman Alex
Islamofascism Delenda Est -- Labels:
Alex Triantafilou,
Hamilton County GOP