Thursday, June 10, 2010

Obama=Hypocrite and in other news....

the grass is green and the sky is blue...

Seriously though, this article says a lot. Check this out:
President Obama is caught in the wickedest of political binds: the hypocrisy trap.

Obama says he's sick and tired of the Washington blame game, but still can't resist doling out piles of blame himself.

His compulsive, reflexive finger-pointing at Republicans, George W. Bush and vague villains on the right is not only unbecoming, it also reinforces the gathering public verdict that Obama is a weakling.

Victims do not make good leaders.

Well, if by leader you mean someone who gets people to follow him, as opposed to dictator, one who uses force of will and law to force people to obey and acquiesce. In the case of a dictator, victims do make the best ones because it is all about paranoia. We saw it with Stalin, with Shicklegruber, with Castro, with Chavez, etc.
In one day in Kalamazoo, Mich., he managed to preach responsibility and try to avoid it.

In a speech to high schoolers he said: "Don't make excuses. Take responsibility not just for your successes. Take responsibility where you fall short as well."

While still in Kalamazoo, Obama sat down with NBC's Matt Lauer for the journalistic equivalent of heavy petting and blamed everybody but himself.

The interview is already famous for Obama's line about relying on experts to tell him whose "ass to kick." The line is funny because what was supposed to be proof of his red-blooded American anger came off as clueless. What kind of leader needs advice on ass kicking?

Yeah, I didn't mind Obama going thug-a-licous on us, because W's "bring it on" was just as crass. However, what I minded more than his use of a$$ on morning television when schoolchildren were getting ready (which is bad for a President to to do...I mean, role model...or is he going to get Charles Barkley to try to cover for him?)is that Barry needs someone to tell him whose butt to kick. Really?

This President is a petulant brat who blames everyone but himself for problems. "The dog ate my homework," "I got pulled over on the way here." I mean, Obama is sounding more and more like this everyday, and unlike the clip, IT IS NOT FUNNY:

The article continues:
But it was also notable that Obama declined to take any responsibility whatsoever for the disaster or the damage. He abandoned even his partial blame-taking lines from the May 28 press conference about failing to understand the depth of the problems at the Minerals Management Service.

The message in Kalamazoo: Do as I say, not as I do.

That tripped America's hair-trigger hypocrisy alarm.

Bloodthirsty reporters and cynical citizens roar their approval when family-values Republicans get caught trysting with their aides or Democrats who rail against the evils of Wall Street and Big Oil rake in campaign contributions from Goldman Sachs and BP.

Until now, Obama has avoided the hypocrisy trap by doing little and talking carefully. Most of what he's said contains more rhetorical escape hatches than a magician's box.

The president is facing frustrated liberals who see George W. Bush's wars still being fought, Gitmo open for business and Wall Street getting off the hook.

Environmentalists fume that he authorized more offshore drilling without checking to see if federal regulators were doing their jobs.

Fiscal conservatives who divined a streak of moderation in Obama's rhetoric feel like fools after watching him take a $9 trillion detour on his way to fiscal responsibility.

Pragmatists have turned their backs on the president after finding that the last, best argument that Democrats made in 2008 -- Obama's competency under pressure -- was actually decision-making paralysis masquerading as coolness.

And even though they voted for this idiot despite every single bit of evidence showing he was a cynical, arrogant, self promoting wannabe despot with an inflated resume; the American people are starting to take notice:
Polls show that Americans have noticed. While his overall approval ratings have held during the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, we've seen a telling drop in the number of Americans who think Obama relates to them and their concerns.

Obama's preacher's cadence and promise of a better tomorrow now reinforces his image as a talker and not a doer.