Friday, August 20, 2010

OH-13: Sutton Outright LIES About Ganley on Obama's Religion

In this fund raising email, Rep. Betty Sutton illustrates that not only does she not read the bills she votes on, but she doesn't read whole articles that she cites to slander her opponent.

Here is the link to the RollCall piece that Sutton selectively uses in her email. Here is the part where RollCall clears up the mystery:
In a statement later Thursday afternoon, Ganley sought to clarify his earlier comment about Obama.

“During an interview earlier today, I was asked a question about President Obama’s religion that I felt irrelevant to the story being written about my campaign for Congress,” he said. “I do not believe President Obama’s religion has any impact on the need for jobs in Ohio’s 13th district. According to the White House, our President is a Christian and I have no reason to believe otherwise.”
Once again, the Democrats are sticking to their mantra of never letting the FACTS get in the way of a good smear.

Shameful. Even for a Member of Congress.

The good people of OH-13 deserve better.

UPDATE: RightOhio has this story as well...

UPDATE 2: Alo over at Brain Shavings has some advice for Betty Sutton.