Monday, September 13, 2010

PORTMAN AD: "Jobs Czar"


Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher: I have spent years on the ground working to save and create jobs.

On Screen: Lt. Governor Lee Fisher

Announcer: Really? Creating Jobs?

On Screen: Really? Creating Jobs?

Announcer: Lt. Governor Fisher was Ohio’s number one official in charge of creating jobs.

On Screen: Official In Charge Of Job Creation

Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher: As the lead point person in our administration saving and creating jobs.

On Screen: Lead Point Person

Announcer: What Jobs?

On Screen: What Jobs?

Announcer: Under Lee Fisher Ohio has lost nearly 400,000 jobs, with a record number going to other states.
On Screen: Nearly 400,000 Jobs Lost
Announcer: Rob Portman, he’s got a jobs plan to get Ohio working again.
On Screen: Paid For By Portman For Senate Committee
Rob Portman: I’m Rob Portman and I approve this message.
On Screen: Rob Portman for US Senate

Lt. Gov. Fisher Served As The Director Of Ohio’s Department Of Development. (Fisher For Ohio Website,, Accesed 9/2/10)
The Objective Of The Ohio Department Of Development Is To Attract And Create Jobs. “The Ohio Department of Development works to attract, create, grow, and retain businesses through competitive incentives and meaningful, targeted investments.” (The Ohio Department Of Development Website,, Accessed 3/15/10)
· The Ohio Department Of Development Serves To Promote “Economic Growth, Creates Employment Opportunities, And Retains Employment By Using A Combination Of State And Federal Funds, Tax Credits, Tax Incentives, And Interaction With Other State Agencies.” “The Department of Development promotes economic growth, creates employment opportunities, and retains employment by using a combination of state and federal funds, tax credits, tax incentives, and interaction with other state agencies. The department administers funding for community development and housing programs, electric utility service payment assistance, home weatherization and energy conservation, international trade, technology and economic development, minority business, workforce training, and travel and tourism. The department also provides funding for public infrastructure improvements and for private capital investments that create employment opportunities or retain employees. With approximately 455 employees and six international trade offices, the department has an annual budget of approximately $1.2 billion, of which approximately 72 percent is distributed through loans and grants.” (Ohio Office Of Budget And Management Website, Executive Budget FY 2008/2009, , Accessed 8/18/09)
Fisher Said That He Should Be Held Accountable For Benchmarks Such As Job Creation. “Ohioans should hold him to his promise to take an aggressive approach to helping businesses locate in the state or expand operations already here. Benchmarks such as job creation, per-capita income and Ohioans holding college degrees will be used to measure the state's performance, Fisher said.” (Editorial, “Added Responsibility,” The Columbus Dispatch, 12/2/06)
Since Fisher Assumed Office In January Of 2007, Ohio Has Lost Nearly 400,000 Jobs. According to The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Ohio has lost 388,700 jobs from January 2007 until July 2010, the most recent numbers available. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 7/26/10)
From The First Quarter 2004, When Movement Of Work Data First Became Available, Through The Fourth Quarter Of 2006, Ohio Lost 2682 Jobs To Other States, Or 223.5 Jobs Per Quarter. (Ohio Department Of Jobs And Family Services, Ohio Labor Market Information, Mass Layoff Statistics Quarterly Reports,
From The First Quarter 2007 Through The First Quarter Of 2010, The Most Recent Available Data, Ohio Lost 5215 Jobs To Other States, Or 401.2 Jobs Per Quarter. (Ohio Department Of Jobs And Family Services, Ohio Labor Market Information, Mass Layoff Statistics Quarterly Reports,
Since 2007, 6.2 Times As Many Jobs Have Moved From Ohio To Other States As Have Moved Overseas. (Ohio Department Of Jobs And Family Services, Ohio Labor Market Information, Mass Layoff Statistics Quarterly Reports,
Lt. Gov. Fisher Wants To Take His Experience Creating Jobs To Washington D.C.: “I want to take my experience here on the ground in Ohio — saving manufacturing jobs, helping start new businesses, and creating the new clean energy jobs of the future — to Washington to work to create jobs and provide economic security for all of our families.” (Fisher For Ohio Website,, Accessed 7/23/10)
Rob Portman Has A Plan To Create Ohio Jobs. “It’s time for new leadership and new ideas to turn things around and chart a path to prosperity for our great state. Ohioans are suffering through the worst economic recession since the Great Depression. Since the Strickland-Fisher Administration took office in January 2007, and Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher became Jobs Czar, Ohio has lost nearly 400,000 jobs and our unemployment rate has more than doubled. Even for those who are working, paychecks are not stretching as far as they used to, and the value of homes and retirement accounts have declined, putting more pressure on working families. We are at a moment of truth for Ohio. Now is the time for bold action and decisions to turn things around.” (Portman For Senate Website,, Accessed 7/27/10)
“The Portman Plan For Ohio Jobs Offers Specific Proposals To Get Ohio And Our Nation Back On The Path To Prosperity. The Plan Consists Of Six Pillars:

Supporting Ohio Workers

Helping Small Businesses Succeed

Strengthening the Environment for Job Creation

Reforming Financial Regulations to Hold Wall Street Accountable

Healing the Economy by Reducing the Deficit

Getting Directly Involved in Economic Development”

(Portman For Senate Website,, Accessed 7/27/10)