WASHINGTON, D.C. – US Congressman Bob Gibbs today released the following statement following passage of H.R. 1217, a Bill to Repeal the Prevention and Public Health Fund:“Today, I voted in favor of H.R. 1217, a bill repealing the large discretionary slush fund of $17.75 billion hidden in the thousands of pages of the burdensome healthcare law. Not only does this fund give the Secretary of Health and Human Services the absolute discretion to spend billions of dollars without Congressional approval, it continues to fund these undefined efforts for decades to come.“We must not grant unregulated power and money to un-elected federal officials who expand the arm of the federal government if we are going to rein in unnecessary government spending.”The law gives the Secretary the power to spend $17.75 billion within the next ten years in addition to another $2 billion each year after 2015 on any prevention, wellness, and public health activities authorized in the Public Health Service Act. Eliminating the slush fund does not cut any specific programs because the fund was not directed at any specific program.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Congressman Bob Gibbs Eliminates $17.75 Billion Obamacare Slush Fund
Islamofascism Delenda Est -- Labels:
112th Congress,
Bob Gibbs