WASHINGTON, DC – House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) issued the following statement regarding Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) fiscal year 2012 House budget resolution:Some people claim that this budget doesn't have Boehner's support. That it isn't sponsored by the GOP. Some people are either liars or misinformed. Glad I could clear that up for some people.
“The American people understand we can’t continue spending money we don’t have, especially when doing so is making it harder to create jobs and get our economy back on track. The Administration has put forward a budget for next year that raises taxes by $1.5 trillion and is silent on our debt crisis, a surefire recipe for destroying jobs. Our budget will help spur job creation today, stop spending money we don’t have, and lift the crushing burden of debt that threatens our children’s future. Our budget also recognizes Americans are concerned not just about how much government spends, but how government spends it, and keeps our pledge to set strict budget caps that limit federal spending on annual basis. Most importantly, this budget shows families and small businesses that we’re serious about dealing with America’s spending illness so we can put our country on a path to prosperity.
“Chairman Ryan and the members of the Budget Committee have done an excellent job putting together a budget worthy of the American people. I hope every American concerned about our country’s future will take a look at it.”
NOTE: The House Budget Committee’s FY2012 budget resolution cuts $6.2 trillion in government spending over the next decade compared to the president’s budget, and $5.8 trillion relative to the current baseline. For more information on the fiscal year 2012 House budget resolution, visit http://budget.house.gov/fy2012budget/.
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Speaker Boehner Applauds Chairman Paul Ryan’s Budget, “The Path to Prosperity”
Islamofascism Delenda Est -- Labels:
Fiscal Responsibility,
Paul Ryan