WASHINGTON, DC – House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) today released the following statement about ongoing discussions to make real spending cuts and keep the government open:
“The House passed legislation 44 days ago to cut spending and keep the government open for the rest of the fiscal year. The American people are still waiting for Senate Democrats to pass – or even produce – a credible plan of their own to make real spending cuts and keep the government open. It’s become sadly evident to me, and to the American people, that the White House and Senate Democrats are just not serious yet about enacting real spending cuts. And real spending cuts are essential if we’re going to create a better environment for job growth in our country.
“As I’ve said for a week, there is no agreement, and will be no agreement on a number until everything – including the important policy provisions from H.R. 1 – is resolved. Despite attempts by Democrats to lock in a number among themselves, I’ve made clear that their $33 billion is not enough and many of the cuts that the White House and Senate Democrats are talking about are full of smoke and mirrors. That’s unacceptable. I look forward to continuing these discussions, but for those discussions to be meaningful it will require the White House and Senate Democrats to bring a serious proposal to carry out the people’s will of cutting spending. Our goal, as I’ve said time and time again, is to cut spending and keep the government open. If the government shuts down, it will be because Senate Democrats failed to do their job. The Senate hasn’t passed a single bill to keep the government running or offered a credible plan to make real spending cuts; the House has.”
Monday, April 04, 2011
Statement by Speaker Boehner on Ongoing Discussions to Cut Spending
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Fiscal Responsibility