Wednesday, July 11, 2012

MSNBC Hack Mitchell Gets Schooled by Romney Surrogate

Remember Andrea Mitchell?

She's the one who thinks the deaths of Agents Zapata and Terry at the hands of Mexican drug cartels using guns given to them by the US government is "just politics" and no big deal...Well, her ignorance and stupidity continue to shine as she gets taken to school by a Romney surrogate who takes her to the woodshed on outsourcing. Go check out the video here and then come back....

OK, get all that? It is hilarious to watch these troglodytes who are supposedly so smart and observant get schooled. Andrea Mitchell looks like the emptyheaded bass face she is, and for the three people who watch MSNBC, the truth gets out there some more. Sununu shows Mitchell to be a brainless automaton, who has been confronted with the illogic of position, and overheats trying to defend the indefensible. Ol' Andrea got some serious egg on that bass face of hers...