Thursday, April 11, 2013

Varnau Vermin Update: Pathological Denial Continues

Dennis Varnau really should seek professional help.  The man appears to be a pathological sore loser and darn near psychotic when it comes to his vendetta against Brown County Sheriff Dwayne Wenninger.  He made his wife run for and get the coroner's job so she could be his extension and weapon in his never ending black helicopter conspiracy.  The guy really needs some meds.  Here is the latest from the Brown County Press:

Letters have been sent to Ohio Governor John Kasich
and Ohio Attorney General Mike Dewine claiming that
Brown County Sheriff Swayne Wenninger is
unqualified to hold his office.

On March 21, Joe Podolsky of Felicity faxed two

documents to the office of Kasich and one to the
office of Ohio Lt. Governor Mary Taylor.  The first page
of one document faxed to Kasich reads “Now you
know what is going on in your state.  Show me you
can do something with/about the information
because you now have the knowledge the same as
everyone else. Just how good are you?, Sincerely
Joe Podolsky.”

The other pages of the document were a four page

letter written to Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine on March 21 by Dennis Varnau.  Varnau told DeWine “I want to personally make sure you are completely aware of an ongoing pattern of corrupt activities (enterprise) that is well into its ninth year of operation unabated. I am a victim of this enterprise who has lost four years of salary vestment in the PERS retirement system and other benefits approximately worth at least around $500,000.00.  The taxpayers of our county are also victims of this criminal enterprise who have unawares lost a much greater amount of money, public service, and safety.”

Varnau continued, “The corrupt activities enterprise was created on or about October 9th, 2003, when Republican visiting Judge Robert Ringland sealed (contrary to State law) the criminal  record of Sheriff Dwayne ‘Wenninger.  Wenninger was accused of knowingly falsifying his candidate election documentation for the year 2000 election.  The jury found Wenninger “not guilty” of knowingly falsifying the documentation”.

Varnau goes on to say the verdict did not change the fact th
at Wenninger was unqualified, and then goes on to allege that a juror in the Wenninger case recently got special treatment from the justice system.

“Leroy Louderback, a friend of Mr. Wenninger,  was one of the jurors who found Mr. Wenninger “not guilty.” That vote to acquit turned out to be a valuable “get out  of jail free” card for Mr. Louderback. On December 16, 2012, Leroy shot his son to death, because his son John Louderback, supposedly had verbally threatened to kill Leroy.  Contrary" to forensic evidence and other information, Leroy was "no billed” by a Grand Jury for voluntary manslaughter on February 28, 2013. One way or another Leroy would have walked away from any charges, either at grand jury or from court, because Leroy was one of many in court who heard Judge Ringland tell Mr. Wenninger that he was not the sheriff during his criminal trial.”

Varnau then recounts the history and his arguments of his civil case against Wenninger.  The case went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, which refused to hear the case, upholding the judgement against Varnau by the Ohio Supreme Court.
Varnau then references two letters written to his wife, Dr. Judith Varnau in her capacity as Brown County Coroner and to Brown County Prosecutor Jessica Little.

Little requested a legal opinion on behalf of Judith Varnau concerning the qualifications of the Sheriff.

So, let me get this straight....This conspiracy of Mr. Varnau's imagination now includes Judge Robert Ringland, the Ohio 12th District Court of Appeals, the Ohio Supreme Court, and even citizens of Brown County.  I guess all the grand jurors in Mr. Louderback's case are in on it, too. 

Mr. Louderback and every member of the grand jury should sue Mr. Varnau for defamation of character.  Judge Ringland should sue. 

But, in Dennis's world, the case would go before a judge in on the grand conspiracy led by the Illuminati under the command of secret commander of the Universe, Dwayne Wenninger, who apparently is the head of this international cabal that wants to control a small rural county in Ohio.

Yeah, that sounds believable, doesn't it?

To top it off, he is claiming he has been denied half a million in retirement from the state retirement system that he would have gotten if he had been sheriff.  Hey, Dude!  WAKE UP!  Time and again, for sheriff and for prosecutor, the voters of Brown County have found you to be the egotistical, self serving, psychotic and delusion LOSER!  Get over it!

I hear your cry for help, Dennis, I do...unfortunately, I am not a licensed therapist....just like you are not the elected sheriff....