Conservative State Representative and candidate for Congress in Ohio's
8th District, today announced his opposition to the two-year budget deal
between the White House and GOP Congressional leaders. "Sometimes you
have to stand strong even if it means standing up against leaders in
your own party," said Rep. Derickson. "I oppose this bad deal because it
was made in the cover of darkness, busts previous budget caps,
increases the debt limit, raises spending by $80 billion dollars and
does nothing to reduce our growing $18 trillion dollar national debt. The New York Times called the deal a 'victory for Obama,' but I call it a defeat for our hardworking taxpayers."
Rep. Derickson said the budget deal also fails to defund Planned
Parenthood. "The budget deal is a victory for Planned Parenthood and the
culture of death because it fails to eliminate their funding. As State
Representative, I voted to eliminate Planned Parenthoods funding in Ohio
and we won that fight. In Congress I will promote a culture of life and
vote to defund Planned Parenthood once and for all because life is a
gift from God that must be protected," Derickson said.
Derickson called on his opponents in the race for Congress to take a
stand on the Obama budget deal. "The voters of Ohio's 8th District know
where I stand on this bad budget deal, but it's time for my opponents to
make their stand known today. The voters are waiting."
Tim Derickson is a committed husband and father, small business owner,
farmer and award-winning conservative leader in the Ohio House of