Portland Police Association president Daryl Turner says the PS3s will not respond to calls for service without a sworn officer, but they may provide support by manning the front desks at precincts or waiting for tow trucks at car accidents. That's a much smaller, less public role than what Portland mayors have pledged—and some observers say keeping the officers off the streets is a bait-and-switch.As a matter of public policy, this proposal might actually have merit. Sending unarmed officers on emergency calls is not smart, but the lower priority calls? I am open to hearing why every officer on every call must be armed to a level that they could take on a banana republic, but it's going to have to be a really good reason. Law enforcement, like many other government sponsored entities, suffers from mission creep. Dialing back what they respond to might be a solution, but certainly reducing the number of situations in which the officer arrives for armed conflict might impact how law enforcement is perceived in their communities.
It was just a TV show and Mayberry is hardly what America looks like today, but Sheriff Taylor didn't need a weapon to enforce the law in his town. We should be asking ourselves what we can do to make our communities safe without subjecting ourselves to a police state (see what I did there?). It's something to think about...