Could Some of the Media Begin to be Getting It? part I
In a piece in the Las Vegas Review Journal, the editor posts an article discussing the BENEFITS OF THE BUSH TAX CUTS, verified independently. Read it here.
Matt's Chat
It will be interesting to see what gets attacked next...the economy is coming back, the President's domestic agenda is alive and seems to be working. Democrats are having to hope that the economy tanks and that we lose in Iraq. Not a good position to be in...Mark's Remarks
Wow, reporting good news about the economy. Of course, this happens at the local level...Not at the national level. Hmm...let's look at this article..."Independent analysts credit the latest round of tax cuts pushed by the Bush administration, which for the most part accelerated reductions in marginal tax rates that would otherwise have taken effect years down the road. Consumers have more money and are spending it; businesses are investing in new employees, buildings and equipment; investors are returning to the markets. "
(my emphasis)
Oh, so independent analysts have said the tax cuts have worked to grow the robust economy....they probably even have, I guess the liberals really do let their hatred of Bush cloud the facts. Thank goodness for these independent analysts, though I am sure they work for Haliburton or fly black helicopters, or at least that is what liberals will say. It is a shame liberals deny, deny, deny, the truth....