Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Gallup Poll on Media Bias

Forty-five percent of Americans believe the news media in this country are too liberal, while only 14% say the news media are too conservative. These perceptions of liberal inclination have not changed over the last three years. A majority of Americans who describe their political views as conservative perceive liberal leanings in the media, while only about a third of self-described liberals perceive conservative leanings.

Matt's Chat

Ahh...very interesting numbers. Readers, you should check out the rest of these poll figures.

Mark's Remarks

(whistles softly)nope, no liberal media bias detectable the poll does go on to say that if you combine the other two numbers, of being too conservative or just right, you get over 50 percent. However, the vast plurality believe that the media is indeed too no attention to the facts and ideas....smear smear smear....well, folks, not here.....