Nations of the World, Contribute for Peace, Show Your Commitment
Donors from more than 70 countries meet at a two-day conference in Madrid as the United States presses for contributions to rebuild Iraq. Read all about this developing story we will be following right here.
Matt's Chat
It won't matter how many nations contribute, it will never be enough for the Democrats.Mark's Remarks
You know, a lot has been made about the U.S. going it alone, in terms of financing Iraq's reconstruction. Look at this article so far and you will see we are not going it alone. Of course, the liberals, who love to talk about not singling people out, are doing just that with saying it is not enough. Liberals are good at that. They like to single people out to pay more taxes.We also have been hearing a lot of lip service from the French, Germans, and others about wanting to help Iraq. Well, now is the time and this is the place. Put up or shut up. Instead of quibbling over who does this or that, get your crap together and help these people who are yearning to find their new way in this world, who have so many possibilities and who need our help. Or will you let petty politics get in, and instead of helping, keep on making the US out to be the bad guys, making the US truly go alone, all for the sake of attempting to denigrate the greatest country on earth? Of course, that is what this is really about. The Euro pigs who are getting uppity really think they can bring us to our knees, with our situation since 9/11, and now with fighting this war. They think now is the time to get America to her knees. Well, I say they are mistaken. We must continue to fight the good fight, and not let these Euro synchopants get into our heads and denigrate us. We must find new allies and friends, if need be, if the current ones forget what we have done time and again for them, and how it relates to Iraq now (READ: FRANCE!!!!).