Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Pledge of Allegiance Under Review By Supreme Court

The Supreme Court said Tuesday it will decide whether the Pledge of Allegiance recited by generations of American schoolchildren is an unconstitutional blending of church and state.

The case sets up an emotional showdown over God in the public schools and in public life. It will settle whether the phrase "one nation under God" will remain a part of the patriotic oath as it is recited in most classrooms.

The court will hear the case sometime next year.

USA Today has the full story.

Matt's Chat

I will be watching this one closely. For me, it comes down to exactly what arguments get presented. So far, it looks like the atheist will continue on with his strategy, but the opposition appears to be taking the "In God We Trust" ceremonial approach. It will be interesting to see how this one develops. Personally, I feel pretty strongly that American children should be reciting the Pledge as it is a key reminder of what we stand for as a nation.

Mark's Remarks

I couldn't agree more, Matt. I, for one, am sick and tired of God being removed from our lives. Call me a religious zealot on this issue, but I believe God and the idea of one have been fundamental to our foundation as a nation. While we certainly need to respect the rights of those who don't believe in one, I feel we have gone too far in disrespecting the group of people who do believe in a God, whatever they call Him/her/it. God was central to our founders, even Tom Jefferson, who is held as an atheist. Not true, he was a deist, and believed in a benevolent prime mover of things. I am tired of being so p.c. that we risk losing our foundations and becoming, for lack of a worse comparison....France, or even the Soviet Union, going out of our way to deny God. That is what atheists want, they want to trumpet the lack of belief in God, even as those who believe are being muzzled by an overly sensitized media and lower court system. Liberal elite types love the atheist idea because then it means that there is no authority to answer to, other than that of liberals themselves. They can have sex with as many women, debauch however they want, obstruct justice and get away with it, and there are no consequences. That is the liberal dream, a world of no consequences for their ridiculous social experiments and idea manipulation. I hope that this case goes the right way, or we could well be on the verge of a new conflict.