Clark Would Give Europe First Say on US Foreign Policy
On Dec. 8th, Gen. Wesley Clark on Hardball with Chris Matthews:
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: However, if you were in Bush's shoes right now, what would you be doing differently to rebuild those international bridges you believe have been compromised?
CLARK: Well, if I were president right now, I would be doing things that George Bush can't do right now, because he's already compromised those international bridges. I would go to Europe and I would build a new Atlantic charter. I would say to the Europeans, you know, we've had our differences over the years, but we need you. The real foundation for peace and stability in the world is the transatlantic alliance. And I would say to the Europeans, I pledge to you as the American president that we'll consult with you first. You get the right of first refusal on the security concerns that we have. We'll bring you in.
Get the full transcript from MSNBC. Emphasis belongs to the editor.
Matt's Chat
I think this is a very dangerous idea. Wesley wants us to vote for him so he can turn over control of American foreign policy to the likes of France and Germany. I'll agree with fellow blogger Michael Demmons from DiscountBlogger when he says, "Screw that!"Mark's Remarks
This is very dangerous. It is very ludicrous. Do the French really care what happens to America? They sold arms to our deadly enemy for years under our noses, and thumbed their noses at us when we went after the man who owed them millions. This is a ridiculous idea. What next, we consult the Klingon High Council, or we appeal to the Vulcan Consulate? The Dimocratic Party- The party of weird black helicopter theories and turning over policy to the Hate America crowd. Vote for us.