Kerry Mortgages Home to Keep Campaign Afloat
Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) announced yesterday that he is putting $850,000 of his own money into his presidential campaign and will put more in as soon as he gets a mortgage on his home on Beacon Hill in Boston.
Aides acknowledged that the personal contribution was crucial to keeping the campaign afloat at a time when expenditures are rising and fundraising has been falling.
"Senator Kerry has fulfilled his promise to invest in his own campaign," declared Mary Beth Cahill, his campaign manager. "This is a clear statement by John Kerry -- he is in the race to win the nomination and defeat George Bush."
Kerry has rejected public financing to avoid spending limits that accompany the taxpayer subsidies. Two other candidates, President Bush and former Vermont governor Howard Dean, have rejected public financing, but Bush and Dean intend to raise the additional money from individual donors, not from their own assets.
Get the rest of the story from the Washington Post.
Matt's Chat
I knew John F-ing Kerry was having some campaign finance trouble, but sheesh, if the man behind the woman at Big Ketchup has to mortgage his own home to stay in the race, look out...there is trouble on the horizon for this campaign.Mark's Remarks
Maybe he should ask his wife to sell more ketchup, or maybe she can get money from another big corporation that is ready for a scandal, as she did with enron. Or, maybe she does not want to contribute to a loser, either. This is as weird as the Bill/Hillary pseudo-marriage.Seriously, Mr. Kerry, do not waste your money. You blew this campaign, and it has nothing to do with money. You blew this campaign by not having backbone. You blew this campaign by not being intellectually honest or even having vision. I am not calling you a coward. On the contrary, I honor and applaud and respect your brave service to your country in Vietnam. However, that does not make you a good man to be president or give you an excuse for your harsh words/actions as in the Rolling Stone article (I mean really, the example you are setting, think about that). Sir, you lost this campaign because instead of being a man of principle you became a man of the breeze, blowing this way and that. You could have been the frontrunner, but instead you chose to be a shabby mirror for the hate and bile of Howeird Dean. So, I ask you, spare yourself and your family the embarrassment: just get out now.