Sunday, December 21, 2003

Darth Haliburton can Call off the Search

My friends, I am sorry I have been lax in my duty to the blogosphere and in serving the dark master Darth Haliburton. Real life got in the way....

On Saturday, my church was putting on a Christmas play, that I had to be there for, as I am a church officer.
Also, one of my close hockey friends lost his mother suddenly due to sudden congestive heart failure. Please hold up Jason in your prayers. I have been making sure things are working well for the family and also preparing to go to the visitation, etc.

I have a messed up foot that is keeping me laid up. It seems to center around my big toe area, making it very difficult to walk. I have been elevating it. However, I am soldiering on, for you, the loyal readers. By the way, thanks to the person in Israel for their hit. Shalom and happy Hanukkah, or the festival of the lights, as it may be called.

God bless, and please read the lovely commentary below.
