The government on Sunday raised the national threat level to orange, indicating a high risk of terrorist attack, and said threat indicators are "perhaps greater now than at any point" since Sept. 11, 2001, with strikes possible during the holidays.
Americans were promised "extensive and considerable protections" around the country and told to stick to their travel plans despite intelligence indicating the al-Qaida terrorist network is seeking again to use planes as weapons and exploit suspected weakness in U.S. aviation security.
Some of the intelligence information gathered in the past few days suggests that "extremists abroad" are anticipating attacks that will rival or exceed the scope of those of Sept. 11, Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge said.
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Matt's Chat
Better safe than sorry...Mark's Remarks
This was expected in light of the busy holiday season, the capture of Saddam, and increased traffic. Hopefully it will turn up nothing tragic, and we will prevent more of the many attacks that have been prevented since 9/11. Let's be in prayer and thought over everyone's safety this holiday season.Related Links
Department of Homland SecurityDHS Advisory System