Monday, December 15, 2003

Dean On Saddam Hussein

Standing by the anti-war message that helped vault him to front-runner status among Democratic presidential candidates, former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean said Sunday night that the capture of Saddam Hussein has not changed his views about the conflict in Iraq.

"I congratulate our troops on capturing Saddam Hussein," Dean said at a fundraising concert that featured singers Bonnie Raitt and David Crosby. "He's a bad person and we're all better off with him in captivity. But you should know that my views on Iraq have not changed one bit."

Get the rest of the story from the San Francisco Chronicle

Matt's Chat

Mr. Dean, let me remind you what your position is...if you were president, and thank God you aren't, a brutal tyrant known as Saddam Hussein would still be in power. He would still be gathering weapons of mass destruction. He would still be training and paying off terrorists. He would still be killing his own people while living in luxury.

Mr. Dean, admit are on his side. You wanted him to win. It would have benefited you and France and Germany and Russia. It would have made him an even greater threat to our national security and a bigger menace to true world peace.

Mr. Dean, you are what I like to call a "Newer Democrat." You want to do to the world what the New Democrats have done to America. You want to make the world beholden to a world government based on fear and a false sense of entitlement. You play the game "I really do care" but you take (or endorse) no action that actually benefits the world.

The world IS better off without Saddam Hussein in power, you are right about that Mr. Dean. And I thank God you or your chief endorser (Al Gore) aren't in office so that this great event for the people of Iraq, America and the world, could take place.

Mark's Remarks

What Dims and Liberals fail to see is that even those in their own party are moving away from Dean. Joe Lieberman, who is not the biggest fan of the Administration, echoed the very same comments Matt himself wrote above. Now, of course, Joe and Matt will be the subject of vicious attacks by the ultra left, because they literally have nothing left. They will probably say they are secretly lovers, or that they have been brainwashed by Haliburton, but that is simply not true. They are stating extrapolations based on pronouncements by Dean. He never would have gone into Iraq. He never would have removed Saddam. And Saddam would still be raping and killing his own people, and funding terror, as well as looking for new ways to develop nukes and other weapons.

See, folks, at least Dean is consistent in his insanity. Jean Kerry, who cannot make up without looking at a poll, wavers between never should have gone in and we should have sent MORE troops. Wow, which is it, Jean?

And Mr. Dean. I agree with Matt. Why don't you and the uber hamster libs out there admit it: you never wanted Saddam captured....oh, you would not have minded if it would have been done after elections. But you never wanted our troops to be successful. Because, IN FACT, it is liberal psycho hamsters out there who are more concerned about how things look for campaigns and politics. I am just glad a madman is in custody. You libs and dims are trying to spin away. Shameful, but what do you expect. Until you just come out and admit you hate America, that you are so full of self loathing, you will be destructive to the country and to yourselves and others. Sadly, America has to fight a war on three fronts: in Afghanistan, in Iraq, and at home against really twisted folks who waffle and triangulate for the sake of their own political careers and so they actually do not have to admit they are on the wrong side of history.